Stouffer continues its tradition of developing new, innovative products
for many industries. As traditional means of photosensitive imaging
evolve into the growing world of digital imaging, Stouffer also evolves.
The R2110CLC Reflection Color Calibrated Guide incorporates traditional
with digital imaging by offering optical density CMYK and L*a*b readings
in calibrated documentation. By using calibrated data it becomes easy to
create a workable reference for Levels and/or Curves in photo-editing
Evolving with the Industry

Stouffer Scanner Scales are available in a variety of formats for use on
flat-bed or drum scanners. Guides are made in many sizes, stepped or
stepless, black and white, transmission or reflection. Resolution
patterns can be added to some scales. One of the most popular guides
used is the R3705 37 Step Scanner Scale with density increments of .05
optical density. The TP35-21 Step Guide is also popular for it's
versatility with film scanners such as the Nikon Coolscan product line. |
Stouffer has also redesigned its Transmission Resolution Guide, adding
even more precision and accuracy than before. The 1-T Resolution Guide
is now calibrated in inches and millimeters. It can be used for checking
and measuring the lpmm (line pairs per millimeter) or lpi (line pairs
per inch) resolution of scanners, lens, films, plates and many other

Following specifications
adapted from SMPTE Recommended Practice RP 133-1986, Stouffer has
designed a Hard Copy Diagnostic Imaging Test Pattern. For critical
diagnostic testing of your equipment, inquire about this unique scanning
target. The SMPTE target is a special order item.